History of Ukraine in maps (Історія України в мапах)
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History of Ukraine in maps (Історія України в мапах)
Our book in a visual way - with the help of color maps, pictures and short inscriptions - will tell about the history, cultural heritage and outstanding people of our native country - Ukraine: from Kievan Rus - a medieval state that existed on the territory of modern Ukraine from the 9th century to the middle of the 13th century, up to the modern Ukrainian State. Readers will learn who created and defended our state, how its borders changed in different periods of its existence, and which events in its history were the most significant.
Автор: Олександр Красовицький
Видавництво: Фоліо, 2023 г.
Сторінок: 24
Обкладинка: Тверда
Вага: 368 г